Aging is an evolutionary process that can affect people in many different ways. Personal lifestyle, diet, stress, genetics, environmental influences (toxins) and attitude are just some of the factors that can influence how we age. Some people experience weight gain, fatigue, sagging skin and dull complexion as the cellular charge in their body weakens due to aging. But PEMF can be used to reduce the effects of aging.

proven results

Proven Results

easy to use

Easy to Use



The Benefits of PEMF for Anti-aging

The process we know as aging is the breakdown of your body at a cellular level and its reduced ability to repair itself. This deterioration of cells impacts the body’s functioning. One of the major benefits of PEMF is that magnetic waves penetrate every cell in the body... right down to the bone marrow. PEMF induces microcurrents, which charge every cell thus increasing the body’s metabolic efficiency.

PEMF may also increase the absorption of nutrients and water. At the same time, increasing cellular efficiency may also improve the elimination of carbon dioxide and toxins.

Whether it is healing, maintenance or anti-aging there are fundamentally four things required to get well or maintain your health:

  1. Energy level... and in this case, 'energy' is electrons and the proper cellular voltage level. PEMF therapy can increase cellular voltage.
  2. Building blocks to make new healthy cells. This means a healthy diet and possibly nutritional supplements that may be lacking in the body. PEMF may help to increase nutritional absorption along with water and oxygen.
  3. Identify and eliminate any imbalances that are toxic to the body, whether physical, emotional or mental.
  4. The will to get better. Some people receive a kind of emotional or mental reward from being in poor health, even if it may eventually kill them.

5 Key Benefits of PEMF

Pain Treatment


PEMF treatment - Faster bone healing


Faster wound healing


PEMF Treatment - Enhanced Wellbeing



How PEMF Works for Anti-Aging

A major part of aging appears to centre around basic levels of energy, or the voltage that a person possesses. We’ve all seen older people with lots of energy… they can appear to be healthier and younger than someone who has far less ‘energy.’

Take this down to the cellular level and we see that aging has to do with cellular metabolism. Research shows that PEMF therapy may slow down the aging process in some people. Simply put, PEMF may charge and maintain cellular voltage at a healthy level, thus allowing the cell membrane to be more permeable and to work more efficiently. This can facilitate the absorption of oxygen from which we get 80% to 90% of our cellular energy (Dr. Frank Shallenberger).

Cells are composed of a high percentage of water (cytoplasm). It’s a fundamental physical law that a fluid is able to hold more oxygen when it maintains a higher voltage. PEMF therapy increases cellular voltage. Along with energy (voltage) we also need oxygen to fuel cellular metabolism. In at least one clinical study, PEMF therapy has been shown to increase oxygen transfer and absorption.

Over the past thirty years, thousands of research studies have been done on pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. This includes over thirty-five hundred double-blind studies to mitigate the placebo effect. All up, over eight thousand independent clinical studies have been done on PEMF.

PEMF may increase oxygen in the body. Oxygen stress or starvation occurs in the body as cells age. Bear in mind that cells are constantly being replaced, some as often as every forty-eight hours. You get a completely new body every six to seven years. The important thing to note is that cells have a tendency to reproduce themselves as a copy of an existing cell. Therefore, if you have a poor copy, i.e. a cell with low energy that doesn’t function to the level it’s capable of, then you will produce more cells at that same level. PEMF Therapy may help to improve this.

Natural pulsed electromagnetic fields may enhance the cells and in particular, red blood cells that carry the oxygen to all parts of the body. Darkfield microscopy shows that red blood cells when clumped together (called sticky blood or agglutination) will separate after ten minutes of PEMF whole-body therapy.

The tendency for red blood cells sticking together is also called the Rouleau effect. This clumping can reduce the oxygen exchange to cells significantly. Two red blood cells stuck together reduce oxygen transfer by 74% and eight or more by up to 50%. Lack of oxygen has been associated with almost every category of illness and thus, aging.

Ten minutes after a PEMF therapy session a microscope slide shows the red blood cells have completely separated. This can help to increase the oxygen exchange rate. Getting the right amount of oxygen is one of the keys to good health and longevity.

“Age Fast, Age Slow - it’s up to you.”

Kenneth H. Cooper, MD MPH

PEMF rentals are just $165 per week

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    T&C* PEMF rentals are just $165 per week. There is also a $500 fully refundable security bond with each PEMF rental.
    Systems can be shipped anywhere in Australia and are quoted by postcode.