iMRS Prime Advanced Features
Biorhythm Clock
The biorhythm clock is unique to PEMF systems by Swiss Bionic Solutions. This advanced feature automatically changes the frequency of the mat based upon the time of day. This aligns with the “biological window” of electromagnetic intensities to which the body responds best .
Settings & Frequency
- Morning – great for an energetic start to the day (15 Hz)
- Afternoon – great for stress relief in the afternoon (5 Hz)
- Evening – great for relaxation at the end of the dat (3 Hz)
- Night – great for preparing for a deep, rejuvenating sleep (0.5 Hz)
7 Fast Start Programs
All Fast Start Programs are designed for ease of use making holistic applications very simple and highly effective on a daily basis. When the Exagon Brain is connected and activated. Fast Start Programs are automatically aligned and synchronised.
Duration: 12 Minutes
Organclock Setting: MORNING (15 Hz)
Parameters (black text = PEMF, blue text = Exagon Brain)
Intensity Level 10, 4 Minutes
R 255 | G 0 | B 255, Brightness 100%
Intensity Level 25, 4 Minutes
R 255 | G 0 | B 255, Brightness 100%
Intensity Level 50, 4 Minutes
R 255 | G 0 | B 255, Brightness 100%
Duration: 24 Minutes
Organclock: EVENING
Parameters (black text = PEMF, blue text = Exagon Brain):
Intensity Level 25, 12 Minutes
R 0 | G 255 | B 0, Brightness 80%
Intensity Level 10, 12 Minutes
R 0 | G 255 | B 0, Brightness 80%
Duration: 12 Minutes
Organclock: NOON
Parameters (black text = PEMF, blue text = Exagon Brain):
Intensity Level 50, 4 Minutes
R 200 | G 45 | B 0, Brightness 100%
Intensity Level 100, 4 Minutes
R 200 | G 45 | B 255, Brightness 100%
Intensity Level 200, 4 Minutes
R 200 | G 45 | B 255, Brightness 100%
Duration: 24 Minutes
Organclock: EVENING
Parameters (black text = PEMF, blue text = Exagon Brain):
Intensity Level 25, 12 Minutes
R 0 | G 0 | B 255, Brightness 100%
Intensity Level 10, 8 Minutes
R 0 | G 255 | B 0, Brightness 100%
Intensity Level sensitive 4 Minutes
R 0 | G 255 | B 160, Brightness 80%
Duration: 24 Minutes
Organclock: MORNING
Parameters (black text = PEMF, blue text = Exagon Brain)
Intensity Level 25, 6 Minutes
R 255 | G 150 | B 0, Brightness 100%
Organclock: NOON
Intensity Level 25, 6 Minutes
R 200 | G 45 | B 0, Brightness 100%
Organclock: EVENING
Intensity Level 25, 6 Minutes
R 0 | G 255 | B 160, Brightness 100%
Organclock: NIGHT
Intensity Level 25, 6 Minutes
R 160 | G 0 | B 160, Brightness 100%
Duration: 24 Minutes
Organclock: NIGHT
Parameters (black text = PEMF, blue text = Exagon Brain):
Intensity Level 10, 12 Minutes
R 0 | G 255 | B 160, Brightness 80%
Intensity Level sens, 12 Minutes
R 0 | G 255 | B 160, Brightness 80%
Solfeggio Scale 9
Solfeggio Scale 9
Up until now, Solfeggio frequencies are mostly referred to as sound waves. The comprehensive Solfeggio Scale 9 contains the following frequencies: 174 Hz, 285 Hz, 396 Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz, 852 Hz, 963 Hz
The 528 Hz frequency is the most significant of the ancient Solfeggio Scale. Known as the „miracle wave“, it has a deep-rooted relationship with nature, and is present in everything from Chlorophyll to DNA. It also has mathematical significance.
528 Hz is also often called the “Love Frequency”.
It is now possible to utilize this ancient wisdom of Solfeggio frequencies in the course of a comprehensive PEMF application.
Swiss Bionic Solutions is applying all Solfeggio frequencies in a holistic and complex method. A precisely defined pulse package which includes ALL single Solfeggio Scale 9 frequencies, was created and will be delivered via the whole body applicator continuously in equal sequences.
Program Mode
The iMRS Prime allows you to pre-program settings for multiple users. Settings used for each applicator are saved in the Control Panel storage drive.
When an assigned user wants to run an application, simply choose a specific applicator and the system will provide the default parameters.
Split Mode: Run Two PEMF Systems at Once
The iMRS Prime is the world’s first PEMF system that allows the use of two separate applicators with only ONE control unit. The connector box of the iMRS Prime provides 6 applicator plugs (3 on each side) and contains 2 equally powered D/A converters.
Split Mode divides the touchscreen into two operating interfaces that enable the user to set two independent parameters and applicators for each session using full signal strength.
Clinical Research - iMRS Prime Trial System
Planning and conducting clinical studies on PEMF is becoming of great interest amongst medical researchers. PEMF studies on PubMed have more than doubled in the last five years.
Swissbionic Solutions has developed specific software for the iMRS Prime, which allows it to define and perform all physical parameters that are essential to creating precise and reproducible PEMF application protocols.
New PEMF research or replicating existing study parameters within the range of low pulsed electromagnetic stimulation can now be conducted without constructing and manufacturing expensive prototypes.
February Sale
The BEST SAvings on the HYBRID system!!!
Gold Standard of PEMF Systems for Home and Professional Use
The iMRS prime Hybrid with integrated far infrared (FIR), full body Mat, Pad and Spot applicators, 9 Fast Start programs with the Solfeggio frequencies and the use of two applicators at the same time. This is the biggest sale of the year!
Over AUD $3,300 in savings off the retail price this month.
See the monthly Sale Page for MORE DeTAILS